Silahtar Guard are a type of lancer cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.
These elite cavalry are the Sultan’s personal guard: all men of exceptional courage and morale.
For the Ottomans, military service is not a burden, but an honour and one that men should readily embrace. The greatest honour is reserved for the Silahtar Guard, who are charged with protecting the sultan himself. If needed these troops will lay down their lives for him; such sacrifice demands an iron resolve, and the Silahtar are not easily shaken in battle. They are armed with lances, excellent for breaking through enemy lines with a devastating charge.
By the end of the 18th century the Ottoman Empire, despite still having an effective military, was not the power it had been. The Ottoman army was under-funded, and many men left the military to find other work. This was especially true of the cavalry. Many of the old feudal Sipahis had disappeared, and even the Silahtar Guard was largely diminished. Recognising the need for modernisation, Sultan Selim III (1789-1807) attempted to reform the Ottoman military along European lines. Unfortunately, the janissaries violently resisted his reforms, resulting in Selim’s murder.
General Information[]
Silahtar Guard are slightly superior to Siphai Cavalry in every way, but are correspondingly more expensive and limited to four regiments.
In addition to being capable of delivering a devastating charge (third best in the game, behind Polish Guard Lancers and Dutch Guard Lancers), Silahtar Guard are unusual in that they sport very high defensive values and passable melee skills, allowing them to stay in the thick of fighting after the initial charge where most other lancer cavalry would suffer heavy casualties. Unlike most other lancers, however, they lack good stamina and thus tire easily. They are best used for charging at close range at decisive moments in battles, preserving their energy for the final blow.
Another unusual trait for the Silahtar Guard is their ability to inspire nearby troops. The only other non-general cavalry to have this ability are Prussia's Towarczys.This makes them a useful substitute for General's Bodyguard.