The Silk Manufactory is a type of industrial chain building in Fall of the Samurai.
A loom can weave the story of the past.
A silk manufactory significantly adds to the wealth of a province, and helps industry to grow, but access to silk is obviously required before it can be built. As a traditional material and craft process, silk adds to the traditionalist outlook of a province's population. Only one manufactory may be built.
Mass production of silk fabrics tends to be a craft activity carried out on a grand scale, with many weavers working on many looms. Machine-made silks, while all very fine, lack the subtleties and refinement of handmade cloth. In the mid-19th Century, such silks would have been the height of modernity in Europe, and therefore shunned by those who valued tradition and the "old ways".
General Information[]
Requires 11000 gold, 8 turns, Factory
- +2000 to wealth generated by industrial buildings in this province
- +5 per turn to town growth from industrial buildings within this province
- -2 to happiness from modernisation
Clan Effects
- +4 to modernisation (clan development)
Despite being a top-tier industrial building, the silk manufactory doesn't generate much wealth, making only 300 more wealth than its predecessor, the factory and no additional wealth generated per turn. Given that it costs 11,000 gold and 8 turns to build, this means that (assuming a 25% standard tax rate), this means that it takes over 154 turns to pay for itself. This is an exorbitantly long length of time compared to most other buildings. Only one silk manufactory can be built, though more can be obtained through capturing provinces that have one.
While silk manufactories aren't very good investment options, capturing a province with one is a very worthwhile endeavor as they generate high base wealth.