Total War Wiki

For the similarly named Empire: Total War unit, see Sipahis (Empire: Total War).

Siphai Cavalry NTW Icon

Siphai Cavalry are a type of lancer cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.


These superb horsemen have an excellent charge attack and their exceptional morale makes them reliable and brave.

The Siphai are unswervingly faithful and deserving of their elite status. Mounted on the finest horses, they carry ornate lances that are deadly when used at the charge. When delivered to the flanks or rear of an enemy, such a charge often proves decisive in a fight. Their heavy lances mean the Siphai are vulnerable during prolonged melee and against well-trained line infantry.

As almost feudal fief-holders, Siphai were granted the income from a parcel of land in exchange for their military service, and were expected to supply a number of armed men. They enjoyed the high status common to many cavalry corps, and the disciplined Siphai saw themselves as superior to the oft-unruly janissaries. Rivalry between the two corps was a barely concealed simmering hatred at times. A contributing factor was that Siphai were all ethnic Turks, whereas the janissaries were recruited as children from provincial Christian families and converted to the Islamic faith. Despite these petty matters, Siphai represented the best horsemen available to the Sublime Porte.

General Information[]

Siphai Cavalry are superb lancer cavalry, possessing a very powerful charge bonus that is among the best in the game. Unusually for lancer cavalry, siphai cavalry have decent defensive stats and melee stats, allowing them to survive pitched melee encounters that would destroy other lancer cavalry. On the other hand, siphai cavalry are quite expensive, and do not benefit from the good stamina trait most other lancers possess.

Siphai cavalry are inferior to the Silahtar Guard, but they are cheaper and can be recruited in unlimited number.

Like all other Ottoman units, siphai cavalry are resistant to heat fatigue, making them immune to the effects of heat attrition and giving them a stamina advantage on desert battlefields.

Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
Light Cavalry 15th Hussars1st Hussars5e Regiment de HussardsDeli HorsemenGuerrilla HusaresHungarian HussarsHusaresHusares de CantabriaHusares de RiojaHusares de ValpenasHusares Francos NumantinosHusares Independiente de ExtremaduraHusares Voluntarios de BurgosHussarsLife HussarsLifeguard HussarsLuetzow's FreikorpsMamelukesPavlograd Hussars
Medium Cavalry ChevauxlégersGeneral's BodyguardGeneral's StaffLine CavalryPortuguese CavalryVoluntarios de Ciudad Rodrigo
Heavy Cavalry Archduke Ferdinand CuirassiersCarabiniersChevaliers GardeCoraceros EspanolesCuirassiersD'ErlonEarl of UxbridgeGarde du CorpGrenadiers à ChevalGuardias da CorpGuards of HonourHorse GuardsHorse Guards (Republic)Joachim MuratLife GuardsLifeguards of HorseLifeguard HorseMichel Ney
Lancer Cavalry 7e Regiment de Chevaulegers-LanciersBrandenburg UhlansChevau-Légers LancersCossack CavalryDutch Guard LancersGuerrilla LancerosLancerosLanceros de CastillaLanceros del TietarLancersLifeguard CossacksPolish Guard LancersSilahtar GuardSiphai CavalryTowarczysUlansVistula Uhlans
Mounted Infantry and Missile Cavalry 10th HussarsCazadores Voluntarios de MadridDragoon GuardsDragoonsChasseurs à ChevalEmpress DragoonsGuard Chasseurs à ChevalGuerrilla LeaderKings German Legion DragoonsKings German Legion Light DragoonsLight DragoonsMounted CazadoresMounted JagersMounted Nizam-I-CeditMounted RiflesRoyal Scots Greys
Camel Cavalry Camel GunnersCamel WarriorsDromedary CavalryShaturnal Camel Gunners