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Slavic Large Shields are a type of spear infantry in Total War: Attila.


"Behind a row of teeth-like shields, Slavic anger protrudes; a challenge to the enemy."

The spear has been around almost as long as people have, having been employed for hunting and fishing long before war. A versatile weapon, it could be held in either one or both hands and used for thrusting in melee, throwing during skirmishes, or braced in formation to stop cavalry charges. The spear was the most commonly-used weapon through antiquity and remained so into the Middle Ages; elite warriors had the time to learn and master a polearm, yet the common man could also be taught the basics of handling one in battle in a short space of time. Unearthed Saxon spears have broad heads with wings along the blade to stop enemy swords and spears travelling down it, whereas others are thinner and longer to allow for deeper penetration when stabbing opponents. Naturally, the development of heavy cavalry led to longer, heavier variants (the lance) and then to pikes – which could be braced to unseat horsemen or massed to create an almost impenetrable wall. Most spearmen of the period also carried a shield to provide additional defence and make spear or shield walls, which were virtually impenetrable and particularly effective against cavalry charges.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Missile Block Chance
  • Excellent Armour

Base Stats[]

Slavic Large Shields
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 45
Bonus HP: 9
Melee Attack: 27
Melee Defense: 27
Charge Bonus: 32
Reload: 0
Ammunition: 0
Very Heavy Infantry
Hit Points: 105
Mass: 175
Walk Speed: 12
Run Speed: 31
Charge Speed: 35
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Short Spear
Melee Weapon
Damage: 20
Armour Penetration Damage: 5
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 10
Bonus vs Elephants: 10
Building damage: 0.033
Tower Shield
Melee Defence: 0
Armour: 50
Missile Block Chance: 70
Armour: 3


Ability Attila Spear Wall Spear Wall
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: N/A Recharge Time: N/A
The unit moves into close wall formation.
Assemble (3s)
Shields Ready:
+15 Attack Against Cavalry
+15 Attack Against Elephants
+25 Missile Block Chance
+15 Shield Defence
+200% Entity Mass


Ability Attila Expert Charge Defence Expert Charge Defence
This unit’s melee attack and damage are increased against charging enemies.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Slavic Units
Melee Infantry Slavic AmbushersSlavic Axe LevySlavic Axe WarriorsSlavic AxemenSlavic ChampionsFollowers of VelesHorse ButchersHorse CuttersPerun's AxesPerun's ChampionsVeles' ChosenWarlord's GuardSlavic Warriors
Spear Infantry Chosen ShieldsSlavic Large ShieldsSlavic Levy SpearmenSlavic Noble SpearmenSlavic Spearmen
Missile Infantry Slavic ArchersSlavic HuntersSlavic Levy ArchersSlavic Levy SkirmishersSlavic Noble SkirmishersPoison ArchersPoison HuntersSlavic Skirmishers
Missile Cavalry Slavic Horse RaidersSlavic RaidersSvarog's Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager