Total War Wiki
TW3K Spear Guard

A solid anti-cavalry unit in the early-mid game

Spear Guards is a medium spear infantry unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They are best when recruited in Champion retinues and are designed to protect against mounted units while being resilient under archer fire.


In army engagements when the enemy has mounted units it is essential to deploy spear infantry to defend the battle line, especially to thwart flanking attacks on archers or siege weapons. Spear Guards are designed for this purpose and as a bonus they are one of the few spear units that carries a shield that protects well against archer volleys. When braced (stationary) these units have a major bonus called Charge Reflection vs. Mounted that redirects massive damage onto charging cavalry.

These units are not especially good on offense against other infantry due to a low charge bonus, low melee stats and slow attack rate. On the brighter side, they are reasonably well armored, have good morale and a shield that adds to their staying power. Even if there is no cavalry to engage, they are good at holding an enemy line in place while you attend to other actions around the battlefield.

Champion characters with the Trust Skill will automatically buff the armor of their retinues of Spear Guard units by 10%. This is a principle reason to recruit these Wood class units in Champion retinues whenever possible. These units can use the Spear Wall and Turtle formations if the army is commanded by a Strategist or Commander that has these formations available to them.

  • Type: Medium Spear Infantry
  • Base cost to recruit: 550
  • Base unit upkeep: 160


TW3K Spear Guard in-game

In-game (vanilla units in spear wall formation)

Spear Guard units are regular troops rather than part-time militia. They receive regular formal drilling, adequate armor and weapon training that includes both the spear and the large wooden shield they bear. They are well equipped to successfully engage archers, cavalry and infantry in the early and mid-game.
