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TW3K Grand State Workshops

Grand State Workshops

The State Workshops is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Its main purpose is to simply provide a steady source of income, as well as reducing building costs for Learning and Market buildings. The alternative path provides less income in exchange for a reduction in corruption in all adjacent commanderies as well as locally.

Building Chain[]

TW3K State Workshops

State Workshops

State Workshops (level 1)[]

Workshops under government guidance. The increased demand for goods and luxuries has led to the rapid rise of entrepreneurs of private business, keen to take advantage. However, the employment of civilians as merchants, tradesmen, craftsmen and artisans means less people working the land in farms, and lessening income from land taxes. The answer is to have state owned workshops, where the profits and goods can be controlled by the government for the good of China, rather than the select few; as the industry grows, so does China.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 1250
  • +100 income (industry)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Unlocks Reform: Pottery Bricks

TW3K Communal Workshops

Communal Workshops

Communal Workshops (level 2)[]

Work is the foundation of a strong state. Government sponsored communal workshops provide work for the local populace, and ensure that the profits from goods and luxuries produced there are done so for the good of China. By linking several workshops together, a larger space can be made for an increased number of goods on production, and tools and expertise can be shared for the improvement of quality. Keeping the workshops under government control means they follow the carefully documented regulations relating to production and profit.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 2100
  • +200 income (industry)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

TW3K Government Workshops

Government Workshops

Government Workshops (level 3A)[]

Production of goods and trade must be regulated. In sponsoring and overseeing workshops, the government can ensure proper regulation of the goods produced and sold, how the work is done, and where the profits should go. An official posted to manage the workshops can provide a more efficient running of production, and keep costs within budget. This means the people are provided with work authorised by the government, ensuring that the state’s welfare and ideals have the highest priority, even in the case of goods and luxuries.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 2950
  • +300 income (industry)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

TW3K Government Provincial Workshops

Government Provincial Workshops

Government Provincial Workshops (level 4A)[]

Government workshops promote industrial stability. Government workshops, built to control both production and profits of goods and luxuries, increase the amount of income from industry. As wealth starts being shared among merchants as well as land owners, the state must take control to avoid being undercut by private businesses. One of the advantages of this is that the work can be undertaken by conscripts and convicts, drastically reducing the cost of wages and ensuring a greater yield of profit for the good of China.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 3800
  • +400 income (industry)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Requires Reform: Office of Arts & Crafts

Provides Resource: Industrialists

TW3K Grand State Workshops

Grand State Workshops

Grand State Workshops (level 5A)[]

Both luxury or practical items must be directed for the good of all. All production, whether it be for practical items, agricultural tools or luxuries and goods should be towards the enrichment of China. A state-run grand workshop, managed by an assigned official, ensures that all production and profits are in service of China, and not squandered on private wealth. Conscripts and convicts do much of the work, and under government direction, each production is coordinated to work in tandem to provide the most efficient production of goods, so that if one workshop needs new tools built, another can provide them.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 4650
  • +500 income (industry)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -15%

Requires Reform: State Monopolies

Provides Resource: Industrialists

TW3K Currency Inspector Office

Currency Inspector Office

Currency Inspector Office (level 3B)[]

An official eye prevents corruption. When a country is at war, the criminal element takes advantage of the people’s desperation for their own reward. The minting of coins is too easy a temptation for counterfeiters, and even the honest citizens who take possession of them, and the resulting flood of illegal tender artificially raises inflation to disastrous results. An upright inspector, immune to bribes and corruption, will ensure that minting facilities are held accountable for all tender minted, and is trained to spot even the most exact forgeries.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 3000
  • +200 income (industry)
  • -10% corruption (local commandery)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Requires Reform: Currency-based Economy

TW3K Coin Maker

Coin Maker

Coin Maker (level 4B)[]

Currency must be consistent to battle forgery. Legal tender must be of one shape and size to frustrate the efforts of forgers, and provide a base example to those officials that oversee its production. A coin maker has the tools and skills to mint such tender; the coins are flat, circular, with a hole in the centre so they can be strung together and easily carried. Though less distinctive than the miniature knives and spades that were once popularly used as currency for gifts and trading, the new coins fit easily into one’s pocket, and are less likely to tear.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 3600
  • +250 income (industry)
  • -10% corruption (adjacent commanderies)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Requires Reform: Office of Arts & Crafts

Requires Resource: Copper

TW3K Grand Treasury Mint

Grand Treasury Mint

Grand Treasury Mint (level 5B)[]

A treasury brings financial stability. A grand treasury mint, charged with the production of the land’s currency, brings stability in a time of flux and uncertainty. With almost all facets of currency production – even the copper ore used for the minting process – overseen by official bodies, any corruption from counterfeiting or bribery takes a crippling blow. Old coins are collected and melted down to be reminted into the new legal tender, and the new coins are of such quality that forgery becomes almost impossible without expensive tools.

  • Upkeep: None
  • Cost: 4350
  • +300 income (industry)
  • -15% corruption (adjacent commanderies)
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -15%

Requires Reform: Office of Arts & Crafts

Requires Resource: Copper
