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Subsistence Farming FOTS

Subsistence Farming is a type of farming building in Fall of the Samurai.


A bowl of rice offers nothing for the future.

Subsistence farms provide a basic agricultural income, and can help industry grow by providing food to the workers.

Relatively small-scale farming will feed the people adequately in most years, but it allows little excess to support a workforce away from the farm. Even in medieval-pattern societies, a reliable food surplus is necessary to support skilled craftsmen, and even warriors. If the surplus fails, then starvation and economic disaster soon follow, as craftsmen move to where they can find food. Peasants, being tied to the land rather than having marketable skills, do not have such an option.

General Information[]

Requires 850 koku*. Can be upgraded to Tenant Fields.

  • +550 to wealth generated by trade in this province

Farms may be built in every province. Every province has a soil quality modifier which determines the amount of wealth that is generated by farming. Provinces with more fertile soil make much more money through farming, so prioritizing upgrading them over more barren farms makes money more quickly.

Farm Yields without Administrative Training[]

Subsistence Farming Tenant Fields Commercial Farming Zaibatsu Fields
Very Fertile (3x base value) 1650 (1100) 2700 (1800) 4200 (2800) 5400 (3600)
Fertile (2x base value) 1100 (550) 1800 (900) 2800 (1400) 3600 (1800)
Average (1.5x base value) 825 (275) 1350 (450) 2100 (700) 2700 (900)
Meager (1.3x base value) 715 (165) 1170 (270) 1819 (419) 2340 (540)
Barren (1x base value) 550 900 1400 1800

Farm Yields with Administrative Training (+10% Farming Bonus)[]

Subsistence Farming Tenant Fields Commercial Farming Zaibatsu Fields
Very Fertile (310%) 1815 (1265) 2970 (2070) 4620 (3220) 5940 (4140)
Fertile (210%) 1210 (660) 1980 (1080) 3080 (1680) 3960 (2160)
Average (160%) 907 (357) 1485 (585) 2310 (910) 2970 (1170)
Meager (140%) 786 (236) 1287 (387) 2001 (601) 2574 (774)
Barren (110%) 605 (55) 990 (90) 1540 (140) 1980 (180)

Farms, and their upgrades, generate 10% more income with the Administrative Training technology. They become 10% cheaper to build with the Abolition of Land Restriction technology.

*Subsistence Farming is listed by the encyclopaedia as requiring 850 koku to build, but as one is present in every faction in the beginning of the campaign, and as they cannot be demolished, it is impossible to build one.

Fall of the Samurai Buildings
Town Buildings Settlement: TownLarge TownCityMunicipalityPrefecture Castle: StrongholdFortressCastleCitadelStar Fort Business: InnGambling DenRichi Mahjong ParlourYakuza OfficeMarketFinancial DistrictJunin Ryogae Industrial: Cottage IndustryCotton Weaving ShedCraft WorkshopSilk Weaving ShedFactoryCotton Processing PlantSilk Manufactory Modern Military: Cadet SchoolBarracksMilitary AcademyArmy War College Propaganda: Police StationMagistrateSecret SocietyShikoyoku OfficePolice OfficeMilitary SocietyDaily NewsShinsengumi Headquarters Artillery: Cannon RangeField Artillery SchoolArtillery AcademyArsenal Traditional Military: Traditional DojoSamurai DojoMaster DojoLegendary Dojo Improvement: Training CampDrill SchoolFiring RangeGeneral Staff HeadquartersJujutsu HallMilitary Hospital Defense: Matchlock TowersGatling Gun TowersGun Batteries
Specialty Buildings Clay: ClaypitsClay KilnBrickworksPotteries Coal: Open-pit Coal FaceDeep-seam Coal MineCoking Plant Copper: Open-pit Copper MineCopper RefineryAnode FurnaceSmelting Mill Gold: Placer DepositsGoldfieldsMintOre Processing Plant Holy Site: Buddhist ShrineBuddhist TempleBuddhist Temple Complex Iron: Iron Ore MineDeep-seam Iron MineIron Smelting PlantSteel Mill Railway: Telegraph OfficeRailway StationNational Railway Company Silk: Worm FarmRaw Silk ThreadmakerSericulturist Silver: Lead Ore MineSilver Smelting PlantProofing HouseSilver Vault Smith: BlacksmithIron WorksArmourerGunsmith Smuggling: Smugglers' CoveCriminal DenYakuza Hideout Tea: Tea PlantationMatcha PlantTea Exporter
Other buildings Farm: Subsistence FarmingTenant FieldsCommercial FarmingZaibatsu Fields Port: HarbourPortMilitary PortDrydockTrading PortAmerican Trading DistrictBritish Trading DistrictFrench Trading District