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Boshin civil surveillance

Surveillance is a civil technology in Fall of the Samurai.


Silent and watchful,

The great mountain knows much

And sees more.

In times of strife there is a tendency among some in government to forget their loyalties, and look to their own needs. When all is at risk, who is watching? Any man can be tempted, but it is the weak that put out their hands to grasp what they can. Rather than work for the good of all, and for the honour of performing their duties, they are seduced by thoughts of easy wealth.

General Information[]

Requires Level 2 clan development, Administrative Training, 4 turns. Unlocks Seclusion.

  • -14% to the cost of ishin shishi actions
  • -14% to the cost of shinsengumi actions
  • +7% to the chances of successful ishin shishi actions
  • +7% to the chances of successful shinsengumi actions
  • +2 to the possible number of yugekitai units

Similarly to Foreign Affairs/School of Shinobi/Tea Ceremony for foreign veterans/shinobi/geisha, respectively, this technology increases the success chance of Ishin Shishi/Shinsengumi agents, and decreases the cost of their actions. Surveillance is particularly useful for the Jozai: the only faction that can recruit Yugekitai.

Surveillance is of minimal benefit to independent factions, which lose access to Ishin Shishi and Shinsengumi. Aside from the Jozai, the only benefit for independent factions to researching surveillance is unlocking the Seclusion technology.

Fall of the Samurai Technology
Civil Abolition of Land RestrictionAdministrative TrainingCapitalist ProductionCensorshipCentral ReformsCharter OathConsular CourtCordial RelationsDomain and RealmEpic ArchitectureForeign AffairsGold StandardKokutaiMerchant House SelectionMerchant HousesPrivate AcademiesRestoration of the DomainRevised Land TaxSeclusionSurveillanceTea CeremonyWestern Agenda
Military Advanced Armour-piercing ShellArmour-piercing ShellArms DealsCarbine CavalryCopper PlatingExplosive ShellGatling GunsImported GunsImproved DefencesIron PlatingKneel FireMilitarised SocietyModern ArmyModern RiflesRammingRevolver CavalrySchool of ShinobiShihShipyard ResearchSuppression FireTorpedo Upgrade