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Svarog's Raiders are a type of missile cavalry in Total War: Attila.


"The will of these men is the will of Svarog himself, burning with a ceaseless, fiery rage."

Unfortunately, primary sources regarding pre-Christian Slavic paganism are thin on the ground, so Svarog is first mentioned in the Hypatian Codex of the 15th century - written about a thousand years later and well into the Christian era. Svarog is the god of fire in the Slavic pantheon with both a lunar and solar aspect, each signifying different traits. As the father of the sun god, Dazbog, he is the patron of light, brightness and flames, and by extension smithing and the forge - similar to and possibly another aspect of the Greek god Hephaestus. Svarog's connection to the Greek pantheon also belies how ancient a god he is, indicating that his presence in the Slavic one may be because the Slavs eventually settled lands formerly occupied by Greek tribes in pre-Roman times. Having said that, there are evidently many connections between gods of different cultures; as such, Svarog is similar to the Sanskrit word 'svarga', meaning 'sky' or 'the heavens'. His symbol is the 'sun wheel' or 'spinning wheel' - 'kolovrat' or 'kolovratok' - used to mark graves as a symbol of eternal life, but also representing Slavic culture and paganism as a whole, in a similar way to the gammadion or swastika.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Rate of Fire
  • Excellent Capture Power
  • Excellent Spotting

Base Stats[]

Svarog's Raiders
Number of Men: 80
Morale: 43
Bonus HP: 9
Melee Attack: 21
Melee Defense: 21
Charge Bonus: 30
Reload: 75
Ammunition: 8
Light Infantry
Hit Points: 75
Mass: 90
Light Horse
Hit Points: 110
Mass: 385
Walk Speed: 18,5
Run Speed: 90
Charge Speed: 115
Charge Distance: 75

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 24
Armour Penetration Damage: 8
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 20
Bonus vs Elephants: 20
Building damage: 0.033
Missile Weapon
Damage: 70
Armour Penetration Damage: 20
Base Reload Time: 14
Range: 80
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 15
Bonus vs Elephants: 15
Special Effects:
Round Shield
Melee Defence: 15
Armour: 15
Missile Block Chance: 25
Armour: 23


Ability Attila Precision Shot Precision Shot
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Improved missile weapon damage for an extended period. These values are further modified by the unit itself.
Precision Shot (30s):
+50% Missile Damage
Fatigue (1s):
+100% Fatigue
Ability Attila Rapid Advance Rapid Advance
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Improved unit movement speed over an extended period.
Rapid Advance (30s):
+50% Speed


Ability Attila Campaign Stealth Campaign Stealth
This unit can move around the campaign map without being seen.
Ability Attila Resistant to Fatigue Resistant to Fatigue
Fatigue has less of an effect on this unit.
Ability Attila Guerrilla Deployment Guerrilla Deployment
This unit can deploy outside of the deployment zone.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Ability Attila Ignore Terrain Ignore Terrain
Speed penalties caused by the terrain are ignored by this unit.
Ability Attila Fire Whilst Moving Fire Whilst Moving
This unit can fire when mounted and moving.
Ability Attila Parthian Shot Parthian Shot
This unit can fire all around and not just in-front of itself.
Ability Attila Raider Raider
This unit may set buildings on fire, cause more fire damage with torches and capture faster than other units.
Ability Attila Snipe Snipe
This unit remains hidden while firing.
Total War: Attila Slavic Units
Melee Infantry Slavic AmbushersSlavic Axe LevySlavic Axe WarriorsSlavic AxemenSlavic ChampionsFollowers of VelesHorse ButchersHorse CuttersPerun's AxesPerun's ChampionsVeles' ChosenWarlord's GuardSlavic Warriors
Spear Infantry Chosen ShieldsSlavic Large ShieldsSlavic Levy SpearmenSlavic Noble SpearmenSlavic Spearmen
Missile Infantry Slavic ArchersSlavic HuntersSlavic Levy ArchersSlavic Levy SkirmishersSlavic Noble SkirmishersPoison ArchersPoison HuntersSlavic Skirmishers
Missile Cavalry Slavic Horse RaidersSlavic RaidersSvarog's Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager