Rural Province Administration
Tax Collection is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. As the name suggests, its purpose is to collect taxes. It provides a steady source of income from peasantry, as well as a small reduction in construction cost for Economic Buildings. With each upgrade to this building, the public order decreases somewhat. This entire building chain is free, as it costs nothing to build the buildings, and the upkeep is also 0. This means that it is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to make money, granted that one can control the negative public order it causes.
Building Chain[]

Rural Tax Collector
Rural Tax Collectors (level 1)[]
Taxation provides the seeds of growth. The people may curse when they see the approach of a tax collector, but without their services, the district would quickly fall apart and plunge into chaos and disrepair. Taxation is a necessity for the funding of maintenance, repairs and salaries, and must be secured without exception, regardless of the sting. An official whose responsibilities are dedicated to collecting tax quickens this unpleasant business and ensures that the collected monies are applied judiciously towards the improvement of the state.
Upkeep: None
Cost: None
- -4 public order
- +80 income (peasantry)
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction

Rural Administration Office
Rural Administration Office (level 2)[]
Separation of duties improves efficiency. As a district develops, the management of new buildings, roads and businesses grows more complex and requires a greater number of officials to oversee its administration. Each official shares the responsibility for several duties, such as the collection of taxes, to ease the burden and to enable the checking of each other’s work. By separating the greater administration into smaller parts, the various sections can specialise, but still work together as an efficient machine to serve the needs of the district.
Upkeep: None
Cost: None
- -8 public order
- +110 income (peasantry)
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction

Rural County Administration
Rural County Administration (level 3)[]
Work is improved under a watchful eye. The funds collected by taxation are the lifeblood of any administration. This office includes a staff of inspectors who oversee the work of each official department and report on any instances of merit or incompetence. This oversight improves the efficiency of tax collection within the office, and ensures that collected funds are well spent; roads and bridges require constant maintenance, but there needs to be provisions for disasters in the form of flood defences, or a grain store in the case of a failed harvest.
Upkeep: None
Cost: None
- -12 public order
- +140 income (peasantry)
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Bureau of Banditry

Rural Commandery Administration
Rural Commandery Administration (level 4)[]
All debts must be paid. To curb the unwieldy nature of government and break down some of its complexities, this bureau divides the district’s administrative responsibilities among different departments. Each department therefore specialises in its own area, while still sharing some duties with others to avoid abuse of the system. In the case of a civilian who defaults on payment of their taxes, wilfully or otherwise, the bureau has the authority to bring them to court to extract payment through other means, such as corvée labour.
Upkeep: None
Cost: None
- -16 public order
- +200 income (peasantry)
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: The Five Punishments

Rural Province Administration
Rural Province Administration (level 5)[]
All bureaucratic components must work as one. One of the most complex duties of district administration is the taxation of its people. Without the funds from it, wars could not be fought, infrastructure could not be maintained, and law and order would have none to uphold it. The officials and inspectors in this bureau have a vast experience in the intricacies of land and poll tax and have been selected through recommendation. Each know the correct rate per li for farmland, and how to convert the documents and registers of the district households into taxation.
Upkeep: None
Cost: None
- -20 public order
- +240 income (peasantry)
- -15% economic buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Commissioners of Passage