Grand Tea Plantation
Teahouse is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Besides simply providing Tea, it also grants prestige, income from commerce and reserve capacity. The alternative path sacrifices a small amount of income for trade influence. Both branches provide a small reduction in construction cost for Military Buildings.
Building Chain[]

Overgrown Tea Plantation
Overgrown Tea Plantation (level 0)[]
The people here keep to themselves; untouched and unchecked by the guiding hand of government. The people here are inward looking and able to operate outside of government influence, which has the disadvantage of not knowing what threats lie in wait beyond their boundaries. Establishing an authoritative presence here would do much for the wellbeing of the people, providing both them and the country with additional prosperity.
Cost: None

Tea Plants
Tea Plants (level 1)[]
Nature provides a leaf to calm the mind and aid contemplation. Harmony of the spirit is born from harmony of the earth. Tea bushes blossom from the ground, growing vast and lustrous if allowed to thrive. Yet the leaves, when picked and left to steep in hot water, diffuse and unlock to create myriad blends – varying from leaf to leaf – of aromatic, soothing refreshment. It is fortuitous, then, that China is abundant with these refreshing plants, and that through them one may experience the harmonious connection between the physical and the spiritual.
Cost: 1050
- +5 prestige
- +70 income (commerce)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea

Tea Grower
Tea Grower (level 2)[]
The popularity of tea begs for greater crops. The value of tea is such that a whole industry arises from it. Tea bushes are cultivated to provide a mass crop of leaves to pluck, ensuring there is enough tea to sustain the peoples’ need. Tea bricks are made by drying the leaves and compressing them into small blocks, which turns it into a measurable and transportable industry, allowing it to be enjoyed by all.
Cost: 1350
- +5 prestige
- +100 income (commerce)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea

Tea Grower Community
Tea Grower Community (level 3)[]
A community dedicated to growing the finest tea. Man can learn much alone, but only through a community of ideas can greater understanding be reached. Sometimes, it takes the perspective of others to understand the whole. How tall should a tea tree grow, and for how many years? At what altitude? The subtle nuances and variances of tea-growing have blossomed into communities that, through their interactions, have devised new and inventive methods of cultivating and brewing.
Cost: 1700
- +5 prestige
- +130 income (commerce)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea

Tea Plantation
Tea Plantation (level 4A)[]
Each step in the cultivation of tea determines its taste. China’s climate and regular rainfall are perfectly suited to the growing of tea, but there are still many factors pertaining to its quality, particularly during the picking of the leaves. As with many things, patience ultimately rewards; plants at higher elevations grow slower, but the taste will benefit from an improved taste. Younger leaves, picked from pruned plants, also yield a greater taste. As tea becomes more popular – and profitable – the methods of cultivation are refined.
Cost: 2000
- +10 prestige
- +160 income (commerce)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea
Requires Reform: Treatise of Agriculture

Grand Tea Plantation
Grand Tea Plantation (level 5A)[]
Greater resources are needed to match a greater demand for tea. When made with patience, care and attention, tea calms and soothes and has a pleasing taste. The same diligence needs to go into the growing and plucking of the leaves to ensure quality; climate, elevation, rainfall effect the growth of the plant and choosing the correct time to harvest the leaves determines good flavour. A large plantation with more workers increases the cultivation of tea without sacrificing the quality of the product, resulting in increased profits.
Cost: 2400
- +15 prestige
- +200 income (commerce)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea
Requires Reform: Intensive Cultivation Techniques

Tea Garden
Tea Garden (level 4B)[]
In the partaking of tea there is contemplation and, if the blend is good enough, understanding. The art and ritual of tea drinking is to create the sublime out of the ordinary; in the action of drinking, one strives to finding harmonious solitude, if only for a moment. Legends speak of Emperor Shennong seeking tranquillity beneath a tree when its leaves drifted into his drink. Intrigued, the emperor was surprised to find the concoction rich in both flavour and harmony; his soul was warmed and, so it is said, the traditions of Chinese tea drinking were born.
Cost: 2150
- +10 prestige
- +150 income (commerce)
- +10% trade influence
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea
Requires Reform: Treatise of Agriculture
Requires Resource: Entrepreneurs

Grand Tea Garden
Grand Tea Garden (level 5B)[]
Quiet, considered tea-drinking lets one view the universe through every sip. Taste and sensation are influenced by mood and surroundings; drinking or eating in a disordered or dirty room will add a bitterness to the tongue, whereas a tidy and beautiful garden will only enhance flavour. A grand tea garden attracts many patrons, eager to have somewhere peaceful and calming to drink tea and meet friends for good conversation. The pleasing but neutral ambience lends itself to business discussions for their benefit, in turn increasing the success of trade.
Cost: 2750
- +15 prestige
- +180 income (commerce)
- +20% trade influence
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Tea
Requires Reform: Intensive Cultivation Techniques
Requires Resource: Entrepreneurs