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TW3K The Great Wall

The Great Wall in Three Kingdoms

The Great Wall or The Great Wall of China is a location in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It is situated in northern China, spanning three commanderies: Jincheng, Anding, and Shuofang.


In order to keep marauding northern invaders from entering China, a great fortification was built east to west.

Historical Context[]

Construction of the Great Wall of China began under the Qin during the Warring States Period. While they are credited with constructing the Great Wall, various expansions were made to the series of fortifications all the way until the reign of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that builders died in the hundreds of thousands over the centuries to construct the Great Wall. It was built to keep out nomadic invaders from the steppes north of China, who would often launch raids into the region, especially during unrest or civil war such as the Warring States period. Its effectiveness can be disputed, however. Many raiding parties circumvented the Wall or went straight through, as it was simply too long to garrison effectively.

Over time, the Great Wall often fell into disrepair in certain sections, either due to lack of maintenance or because nearby villages would use stones from the Wall for their own building projects. In recent years, the Great Wall has seen wide-scale renovations in certain areas, primarily to turn the Wall into a tourist attraction. It is still considered a marvel of engineering to this day and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
