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Tian Chou is a Chinese name; the family name is Tian.

Tian Chou is a Strategist hero in Total War: Three Kingdoms. He is a member of Liu Yu in 190. He is a candidate for Yuan Shao in 194.

General Information[]


Main Article: Attributes (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Expertise: 40
    • -3% construction cost (administered commandery)
    • +6 melee evasion
  • Resolve: 63
    • +19% general's health
    • +2k population growth (administered commandery)
  • Cunning: 74
    • +26% ammunition (own retinue)
    • +7 military supplies (own army)
  • Instinct: 56
    • +8% melee damage
    • -2% recruitment cost (this army)
  • Authority: 36
    • +1 unit morale (own retinue)


Main Article: Background (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +5 expertise
  • +10 cunning

Values Sociability, Values Diplomacy.

Unit Statistics[]

  • Morale: 40
  • Melee Toughness: 10
  • Ranged Toughness: 13
  • Melee Power: 3

  • Hit Points: 9k
  • Melee Charge Bonus: 26
  • Melee Attack Rate: 15
  • Base Melee Damage: 348
  • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 80
  • Base Melee Evasion: 6%
  • Base Armour: 10%
  • Speed: 97


Main Article: Traits (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +12 resolve
  • +3 morale (when commanding)

Commends Bravery.


  • +6 resolve
  • -4 cunning
  • Enables: Charge Reflect

Respects Decisiveness, Disregards Flexibility.


  • +12 instinct
  • Enables: Immune to Scaring

Respects Decisiveness.


Main Article: Skill (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Stifling Deluge
    • +4 cunning
    • +4 instinct
    • Ability: Stifling Deluge
  • Judgement
    • +8 cunning
    • +25% ranged damage (own retinue)


Main Article: Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Charge Reflection
    • Reflects the charge damage of any attacker back onto them when braced.
  • Immune to Scare
    • Immune to scare effects.
  • Stifling Deluge (Passive Debuff)
    • Can target if:
      • General
    • +5s increased cooldown for abilities
    • Range: 50m
    • Duration: 1s
    • Cooldown: 4s


Main Article: Ancillary (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Ceremonial Sword
    • Base Melee Damage: 321
    • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 80
    • Melee Attack Rate: 30
    • +6 authority
  • Vestments of Learning
    • Base Armour: 10
    • +4 cunning
  • Black Horse
    • Speed: 97
    • Mass: 1.5k
    • +2 cunning


Main Article: Guanxi

Tian Chou doesn't have any relations with other characters.


Tian Chou served as a bit of a background character during all the chaos in China at the time, quietly serving behind the scenes. He was originally from Youbeiping commandery, where he received a high-level education and began to work as a clerk under Liu Yu. Liu Yu would grow to trust the man as Tian Chou settled into his inner circle.

When Gongsun Zan invaded the territory of Liu Yu, Chou fled south to Yuan Shao, where he once again offered his services as a clerk. In addition, he would aid in Yuan Shao's campaign against Gongsun Zan. Yet, bad luck seemed to follow him, as Yuan Shao would eventually be defeated by Cao Cao.

Once more, Chou offered his services to Cao Cao in 207, who accepted his aid as Tian Chou had an exemplary track record, and Cao Cao still held respect for the late Liu Yu. He would continue to serve Cao Cao faithfully from an administrative position. He was content with his lot in life, declining multiple promotions and influential positions, only accepting a ceremonial title.

He died at an early age in 214, most likely to disease, although the official cause of death is unknown.
