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Tin Trader is a building chain in a Total War Saga: Troy. These resource buildings can only be built in bronze-making settlements.


The increasing demand for rare metals in the Late Bronze Age led to the strengthening of commercial ties between Mycenae, Anatolia, and many other foreign powers as far as the Baltic and Central Asia. This was especially true for tin, a critical component in the creation of bronze, which was excessively scarce in Mycenaean Greece and had to be imported at great cost from distant lands. In return, the nation-states of the Aegean exported wood, ingots, and intricate carved items, but also manpower: it wasn't unheard of for Achaean soldiers to fight in Egyptian wars, and vice versa.

Tin Trader (tier 1)[]

Built on an empty slot. Can be upgraded to Tin Merchant.

Building Construction Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r tin trader 700 wood As an integral part of the bronze-making process, trade in tin has become a profitable business in its own right. +21 bronze per turn
High influence bonus:
+28 bronze per turn

Tin Merchant (tier 2)[]

Upgraded from Tin Trader. Can be further upgraded to Tin Market.

Building Upgrade Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r tin trader 1040 wood
85 bronze
Without the presence of tin, mere copper will never be strong enough to make the weapons and armour a kingdom must have if it is to prosper. +40 bronze per turn
High influence bonus:
+49 bronze per turn

Tin Market (tier 3)[]

Upgraded from Tin Merchant.

Building Upgrade Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r tin trader 1240 wood
120 bronze
Violent times such as these have led to a flourishing, nay, burgeoning, trade in tin, requiring a space dedicated solely to its commerce. +54 bronze per turn
High influence bonus:
+65 bronze per turn