Tiradores are a type of skirmisher infantry in Napoleon: Total War.
Sharpshooters and expert woodsmen all, the Tiradores are Portugal’s elite rifle corps.
Armed with rifles and an excellent knowledge of fieldcraft, Tiradores could shoot the cockade off a dragoon at 100 paces. “Tiradores” is Portuguese for sharpshooters and nothing describes these men better. They fight in loose formation and are ideal for harassing the enemy from a distance, using their ability to hide in all kinds of terrain. However, should these men be drawn into close combat they will suffer heavy losses. Any contact with cavalry could prove disastrous.
In 1808, as Napoleon continued to dominate Europe, Portugal found that it was totally without regular light infantry units. Those that had been raised with the all-arms light corps in 1796 had been drafted into the French army’s Portuguese Legion. New light infantry would need to be recruited, equipped and trained from nothing. These new light infantry were called “Caçadores”, the Portuguese for hunters, and within each battalion were four companies of ordinary Cazadores and one company of elite “Tiradores”.
General Information[]
Tiradores are Portugal's only skirmisher type. Available in unlimited numbers, they are considerably better than the only other unlimited 125-range skirmishers, Jägers, with better morale and far better accuracy and reloading. Tiradores are only marginally worse at melee fighting, but this is of little consequence as all skirmishers are terrible in a melee anyway.
Tiradores are slightly worse than the best skirmishers, such as Rifles and Silesian Schuetzen. They are accordingly less expensive to field, although they are also slightly more expensive than Jägers.
While most Portuguese units in Napoleon: Total War are available for Portugal and Great Britain in The Peninsular Campaign, Tiradores are an exception and are absent in this DLC.