Total War Wiki
TW3K Artisan Tool Manufacturer

Artisan Tool Manufacturer

Toolmaker is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It's main purpose is to produce tools, but it also gives prestige, income from industry, trade influence and reserve capacity. The alternative path isn't much different, sacrificing its trade influence for more income. Both paths provide a small reduction in cost for the construction of Learning and Market Buildings.

Building Chain[]

TW3K Overgrown Grain Fields

Deserted Tool Forge

Deserted Tool Forge (level 0)[]

The people here keep to themselves; untouched and unchecked by the guiding hand of government. The people here are inward looking and able to operate outside of government influence, which has the disadvantage of not knowing what threats lie in wait beyond their boundaries. Establishing an authoritative presence here would do much for the wellbeing of the people, providing both them and the country with additional prosperity.

Cost: None

TW3K Tool Forge

Tool Forge

Tool Forge (level 1)[]

Metal is shaped into tools for agriculture. A forge dedicated to the making of tools draws on new agricultural ideas and inventions to ease the farmer’s burden of intensive labour. It increases the amount of food that can be grown and harvested, and increases profits within the district. These agricultural innovations are made possible by comparable advancements in metallurgy; for example, the application of waterwheels to power wind bellows amplify the furnace’s hot air blast, quickening the speed with which metal can be liquefied for casting.

Cost: 1500

  • +5 prestige
  • +100 income (industry)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -10% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

TW3K Tool Workshop

Tool Workshop

Tool Workshop (level 2)[]

A workshop provides the tools for living. Tools are used to create other tools, and so on. A workshop provides the apparatus and space needed for manufacturing tools, with a focus on tools for farming. Ore smelted in the blast furnace is either cast in moulds or melted again in a cylindrical furnace called a cupola, after which the metal is shaped into small tools or components for larger tools. New tools, such as the ploughshare, ease the farmer’s labour considerably, increasing the amount of food they farm, and the revenue generated from it.

Cost: 2600

  • +5 prestige
  • +200 income (industry)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -10% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

TW3K Tool Depot

Tool Depot

Tool Depot (level 3)[]

Routine care prevents calamity. The purpose of tools is to do the things a person cannot do, and to ease the strain of repetitive and heavy physical labour. However, even tools become worn or broken by overuse, especially those that are the most useful and vital to production. A tool depot is a preventative and restorative resource, where broken tools are repaired, replaced or receive regular maintenance to extend their lives. The farmer that constantly checks and keeps their tools in good condition will save themselves a great cost later!

Cost: 3700

  • +5 prestige
  • +300 income (industry)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -10% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

TW3K Artisan Tool Depot

Artisan Tool Depot

Artisan Tool Depot (level 4A)[]

An artisan needs precise tools. Though considered somewhat less vital to the good of China than farmers, artisans do provide valuable commercial and cultural goods. They own no land to be taxed, but the objects they create can fetch high prices, should their work find favour with wealthy patrons. Just as farmers need tools to work the land, artisans need precise tools to craft their work and realise their vision. An artisan tool depot provides artisanal, as well as some agricultural, tools, increasing revenue from food, income and trade.

Cost: 4100

  • +10 prestige
  • +300 income (industry)
  • +10% trade influence
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -10% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

Requires Reform: Government Enterprises

Requires Resource: Artisans

TW3K Artisan Tool Manufacturer

Artisan Tool Manufacturer

Artisan Tool Manufacturer (level 5A)[]

Art provides the nourishment that food cannot. Food, iron and salt are profitable goods, but China would surely be poorer without artistic endeavours. Architecture, ceramics, statues and ornaments enrich the lives of those who enjoy beauty and philosophy, symbolise the prestige of the wealthy, even if some are too dull to fully understand the true elegance of their designs. The sacred still holds a place in the character and heart of China, and an extended tool depot makes tools enabling artisans to continue to develop China’s unique cultural character.

Cost: 5550

  • +15 prestige
  • +400 income (industry)
  • +20% trade influence
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -15% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

Requires Reform: Guide to Estate Management

Requires Resource: Artisans

TW3K Industrial Tool Depot

Industrial Tool Depot

Industrial Tool Depot (level 4B)[]

Mass production requires management. Earnings from the making of tools are reinvested to expand the business into an industry. Simply adding a larger number of workers does not necessarily lead to greater profits; to be successful, shrewd management is needed to balance production costs and employee wages against predicted demand and profit. An industrialist brings their expertise to bear on the mass manufacture of tools for agricultural uses, increasing revenue from the making and selling of tools, and the food produced using them.

Cost: 4800

  • +10 prestige
  • +400 income (industry)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -10% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

Requires Reform: Government Enterprises

Requires Resource: Industrialists

TW3K Industrial Tool Manufacturer

Industrial Tool Manufacturer

Industrial Tool Manufacturer (level 5B)[]

Only the finest tools are made here. Though farming is still exhausting work, it has been much improved thanks to the development of new agricultural tools, and the means with which to create them. Simple tools such as hoes and spades, and larger and more complex tools like ploughshares, chain pumps and seed drills greatly increase the efficiency of farming tasks, leading to more food and profit. The tools are held in such regard that miniature spade-coin replicas are still used as currency or a symbol of wealth, though they do tend to ruin pockets!

Cost: 5900

  • +15 prestige
  • +500 income (industry)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • -15% learning and market buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Tools

Requires Reform: Guide to Estate Management

Requires Resource: Industrialists
