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For the Fall of the Samurai faction, see Tosa (Faction).

Tosa is a province in Total War: Shogun 2, Rise of the Samurai, and Fall of the Samurai.


Tosa covers the entire southern coast of Shikoku and is a moderately wealthy province that offers a safe haven from the aggression of most other clans. It has plentiful woods, making it a good place for shipbuilding. Today, Tosa has the only castle in Japan that retains both its original keep and palace. Kochi was constructed by Yamauchi Kazutoyo, the provincial ruler, after the Tokugawa victory at the Battle of Sekigahara.

Total War: Shogun 2[]

Home to the Chosokabe Clan, Tosa is a great shipbuilding province thanks to its prime forest resource. Tosa is the lumber province closest to the majority of trade nodes in the game, making it a great initial target for factions like the Mori Clan, Otomo Clan, and the Shimazu Clan. Aside from its port and specialty making it a good province to build trade ships from, Tosa is an average province with average soil.

Tosa is bordered by Iyo to the north, and Awa province to the east.

Rise of the Samurai[]

Tosa retains its wood resource, and is the westernmost province with wood. This makes it a very useful province for the nearby Yashima Taira to capture, so that they can capitalize on their clan traits to quickly build large navies and capture the nearby trade nodes. It is also one of the closest sources of wood for the Fukuhara Taira, should this faction also try to seize access of some trade.

Fall of the Samurai[]

Tosa is a worse faction in Fall of the Samurai than Shogun 2, as it has poorer soil and no longer has a resource or a specialty. It is the starting province of Tosa, which tends to take over the entirety of Shikoku island during the campaign when controlled by  the A.I.

Tosa borders Iyo to the north, with three routes between the two capitals. The western route is long, but has a road and is unobstructed by forest. The middle path is the shortest but covered in forests, making it a prime place to ambush or be ambushed. The eastern path is also very long, but has both open ground to march quickly over and forests to hide in. To the east of Tosa lies Awa, which has just one general path connecting the two capitals.
