Total War Wiki
TW3K Trebuchet 430x

The essential city assault artillery - don't leave home without it.

Trebuchet is a Ranged Artillery unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They can only be recruited by Strategist Heroes. They are an essential unit for any campaign that includes rapid expansion into enemy territory by force. They excel in taking out towers and walls, demoralizing enemy troop formations and lighting cities ablaze with Flammable Rounds from very long range.


When laying siege to walled settlements, the most valuable attack weapon is the Trebuchet unit. Trebuchets allow the attacker to immediately assault the settlement rather than waiting for one or more turns for the construction of battering rams, siege towers or sappers. Trebuchets can attack with impunity under most siege conditions and can virtually eliminate any advantage that walls and towers might provide a defending enemy force. It is advisable to have at least one (preferably 2) Trebuchet units in your attacking armies as soon as you can afford the recruiting cost and upkeep.

Trebuchets below level 3 are wildly inaccurate but they level up quickly. They are well worth the expense if your campaign is focused on military expansion because it allows you to expand very quickly.

Trebuchets are also excellent in field battles. If protected from enemy attacks, they can easily rack up over a hundred kills before their ammunition runs out. Trebuchets are vulnerable to melee attack due to their small number of men per unit and their poor fighting skills, and so they are best protected by infantry and cavalry. Thanks to the arced nature of their projectiles, trebuchets can safely attack from behind other units without fear of friendly fire.

NOTE: Strategist characters with the Resourcefulness skill unlock "Flaming shot" which is the Trebuchet ammunition type "Flammable Round." "Flaming Shot" however, is also the ammunition type seen on the unit panel in-game for "Fire Arrows" for Archers. "Fire Arrows" are unlocked by the Composure skill. Be aware the two uses of "Flaming Shot" should not confused. In short, Resourcefulness is for flaming artillery ammo, Composure is for fire arrows.

  • Type: Light Artillery
  • Base cost to recruit: 1060
  • Base unit upkeep: 320


TW3K Trebuchets in-game

In-game (vanilla units)

Trebuchet units are indispensable for any army on the offensive, smashing city walls and towers whenever you are ready to begin the assault. They reign supreme from long range and can be effective against clustered enemy troop formations. In open field battles, they will draw enemy units forward if their army doesn't have their own long-range artillery, so be prepared to protect them with your archers and battle line troops.
