Total War Wiki

Update 1.1.0 for Total War: Three Kingdoms was released on 25th June 2019.

Adjustments & Optimizations[]

  • System
  • Mid-distance trees now cast shadows correctly
  • Attrition VFX now correctly adjusts to face the camera
  • Improved edge-blending between terrain and objects
  • Spectators can now no longer meddle with duels in multiplayer matches. Hands off!
  • Improved multiplayer battle lobby filtering
  • Opposing AI armies and generals now visible to host in multiplayer battles
  • Element filter added for character classes in custom and multiplayer battles
Graphics and visuals
  • Reduced instances of camera clipping with barricades and deep water
  • Season flags now work correctly in farms
  • Various map scenery improvements
  • Fixed an issue where some dropped unit banners were not animating
  • Fog reduction in Red Cliffs historical battle intro
Battle User Interface
  • When a battle is paused in cinematic mode, the pause icon no longer displays (makes for much better for screenshots!)
  • The term Battle Statistics in the unit details panel has been changed to Unit Stats for consistency
  • In the custom battle lobby, the scroll window now updates to display available units when switching between different generals
Campaign User Interface
  • UI can now be scaled up to 200% for 1440p (2k resolution)
  • Improved map seams along the Yellow River near Luoyang
  • Commandery food total now has a tooltip detailing breakdown and modifiers
  • Character satisfaction icons now work correctly
  • Various typos, border-boundary lines, tooltip display and UI panel issues fixed
  • The recruitment button now works correctly when all units in an army are at full capacity
  • Soldier count in replenishing armies now updates correctly
  • Defeat screen now displays the load game option
  • Grudges are now displayed on spy candidates
  • In the records panel, character levels will now display correctly
  • Short Campaign Victory videos will no longer be played twice in campaign multiplayer when a Shared Mandate deal is in place
  • The emperor’s seat is now correctly moved when the capital is moved
  • More animation variants will now trigger for delegated battles
  • Harmony and Disharmony no longer affect characters who have not yet come of age
  • AI Factions should now no longer declare emperorship as a result of the player moving their capital
  • Lü Bu is now more expensive
  • Babies are now more likely to be born from marriages
  • Dong Zhuo’s Intimidation resource now decays more slowly
  • Huang Shao and He Yi’s People in Power bonus are now applied correctly
  • When Gong Du annexes Wudu Town settlement in turn 1, the Dong Zhuo abdication event will no longer automatically trigger
  • Dong Zhuo will no longer declare himself emperor as a result of Liu Bei capturing his first Yellow Turban settlement
  • Gongsun Zan’s Battling the Qiang Tribes dilemma has now been corrected to Wuhuan Tribes
  • Clicking the zoom button on a dilemma involving a destroyed character or faction will no longer transition the camera to a blank, off-map area
  • High-ranking court positions for Yellow Turbans factions now correctly display their effect bundle bonuses
  • Gongsun Zan’s Inspector positions no longer take up Administrator slots
  • Dead characters are now greyed out in the records panel
  • Hidden Axes ammo reduced from 10 to 5
  • Hitpoints increased by 20% for the following units:
  • Hitpoints increased by 10% for the following ranged units:
    • Heavy crossbowmen
    • Heavy repeating crossbowmen
    • Fury of Beihai
    • Mercenary archers
    • Yi archers
    • Men of the forest
    • Watchmen of the peace
  • Changed mass of medium infantry from 100 to 110
  • Cavalry in general, including characters, deal less collision damage
  • Sentinels with certain relationships could achieve over 100% Melee Evasion. Relationship effects have been re-balanced to avoid this
  • Zhang Fei and Zhang Yan's armor no longer grants fatigue immunity to their entire retinues, only themselves
  • Improved He Yi and Huang Shao's background trait effects to be more in line with their specialties and gameplay focuses
  • Defending units now have Fire at Will enabled by default
AI Behavior
  • In settlement battles, the defending AI will now target vulnerable missile units over the player’s generals
  • AI reinforcements in resource battles should now engage the player’s army more effectively
  • Attacking AI armies in a siege without battering rams will now more readily commit to scaling the walls as well as exploiting breaches
  • Extreme unit-size AI units now act more decisively when assaulting walls
  • AI armies defending small settlements should no longer sit idle in the settlement while the player is outside, forcing a draw
  • Improved AI trebuchet firing behavior
  • Archers on walls react more decisively to threats and are less likely to break position, particularly at the battle outset
  • Improved AI performance and pathfinding on the Nanhai Rice Paddy map
  • AI cavalry should now act more decisively and are less likely to break off while charging
  • AI units are now less likely to deploy on top of one another
  • AI Cavalry are now less likely to charge spearmen
  • Independent AI unit groups will now act more decisively and exploit settlement entry points when under threat from enemy defences
  • AI armies now better coordinate with reinforcements in their choice of settlement entry points
  • Improved coordination between multiple units in the same AI unit group
  • AI decision-making improved over whether to assault gates by hand
  • AI factions are less inclined to accept vassalage if they’ve recently been liberated by a vassal master
  • AI factions are less likely to visualise additional factions if they already have a large number of vassals
  • Improved display of positive and negative attitude breakdowns
  • Yuan Shu’s Demand Subservience option now works correctly
  • Deal evaluation numbers for voters are now displayed when AI factions request to join a coalition
  • Tooltips no longer obscure the faction list
  • Factions should no longer request military support against factions you are already at war with
  • Rejecting a Join War offer no longer puts you into a state of war with the target belligerent
  • The player can now no longer accept a diplomacy deal offered during the end-turn round and minimize the panel to keep the deal in a suspended state
  • Ink animations for signing deals now trigger correctly
  • AI now more reliably issues ultimatums against the player
  • In an alliance war where your allies have been destroyed, it is now possible to negotiate peace with the enemy alliance
  • Diplomatic threats now display treachery and attitude-change predictions
  • A cancel button has been added for a quick deal
  • Removed the phrase “and allies” which sometimes showed erroneously for faction rejections where no allies were involved
  • Players can no longer extort single payments in small amounts in return for nothing until the target faction’s treasury is empty
  • When any type of vassalage is proposed, offers and demands of autonomy now work as intended
  • The cancellation of treaties can now generate new diplomatic consequences or treaties where it is relevant to do so
  • Food output has been added as a criterion for AI factions when they evaluate a region, removing a food gameplay exploit
  • Transitioning a coalition to a military alliance shortly after forming the coalition no longer incurs treachery

Bug Fixes[]

  • Faction death no longer reports a campaign victory achievement
  • Execute Captives achievement now triggers correctly
  • An Ambush That's Sure achievement now triggers correctly and will not be awarded if the battle is delegated
  • The Party of Five achievement is now correctly awarded when a character switches faction to join yours
  • If You Can’t Die, Surrender achievement now triggers correctly
  • The One Arrow, Two Hawks achievement can now be gained in multiplayer campaign
  • Units should not now play their combat idle animation before withdrawing their weapon
  • Strategists now draw their swords at the appropriate time
  • Siege vehicles now correctly suffer AP damage
  • Units in Turtle formation now drag out correctly
  • Trebuchets now correctly damage rams
  • Trebuchets cannot now be damaged by standard arrows
  • Elemental Vigor ability now correctly times out and resets while the general is in combat
AI Behavior
  • AI-controlled characters should no longer go idle in front of arrow towers
  • AI armies awaiting reinforcements should now no longer stand idle under ranged fire
  • Ranged generals should now use their bows correctly and not hold up their battle group
  • AI Trebuchets will now use the flaming shot against infantry
  • 24 individual crash scenarios have been found and fixed
  • Fixed clash between Ma Teng and Gong Du starting positions, tutorials amended accordingly
  • Loading a previous save now no longer breaks the tutorial