Total War Wiki

Update 1.1.1 for Total War: Three Kingdoms was released on 18th July 2019. This patch primarily focus on the improvement of the court system.

New Content[]

  • The ability to view the family trees for all factions. This feature is accessible from the Family Tree tab, where you’ll find a new menu on the right-hand side
    • Use this feature to work out where to disrupt an inheritance line, check on which factions have marital bonds, or keep an eye on your adopted spy
    • Please note that, as per their playstyle, Yellow Turbans don’t have family trees
  • arrange marriage for any single member of your court
    • This costs 4000 gold each time and can be performed on any court members, family or not

Adjustments & Optimizations[]

  • Updated the offensive word filter for the multiplayer leaderboards and lobby names
Campaign Balance
  • Satisfaction now has more importance. Your court having an overall high or low satisfaction now results in the following faction-wide bonuses or debuffs:

High Satisfaction overall: Lower corruption and more supplies

    • Low Satisfaction overall: Slower XP gain, less military supplies, and higher corruption
    • You’ll find your overall satisfaction level in the top left-hand corner, underneath the court and diplomacy icons
  • The gender of newborn babies is now accurately weighted to 50/50
    • This should make it easier to continue family lines and to organize marriages in the mid to late game
  • There will now be more historical and fewer random characters spawning into the world
Graphics and Visuals
  • Some visual improvements to Sun Ren and Zheng Jiang’s face models

Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixed a few missing text scenarios
  • Resolved a few factual errors around Kong Rong’s father’s name and age
  • Fixed an audio issue with many hero armor sets not making the right sound when hit
  • Fixed the text implying that the Han will declare independence if you refuse their call for aid
  • Fixed a crash when trying to watch a replay of a battle on a downloaded map when the player who downloaded the map quits the game and then reloads it
  • Stopped downloads of modded maps causing the game to go unresponsive for a long time
  • Fixed an issue where, after downloading a map, players would be split into separate lobbies
  • You will no longer get an Untrustworthy penalty when protecting vassals
  • AI will not retreat while in the Forced March stance
  • You now won’t take attrition damage on the same turn as being besieged
  • Fixed a lock where you could get stuck on the Declaration of War screen when in a coalition
  • The AI is no longer able to attack other factions (and you) while in Forced March
  • To more accurately mirror their historical counterparts, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will no longer betray their sworn brother, Liu Bei
    • Alongside this, Guan Yu will never betray anyone
  • Increased the number of characters the Yellow Turbans factions acquire to prevent them from running out in the late game
  • The spouse symbol will no longer appear for divorced characters
  • Mediating peace for your vassal no longer causes you to declare war on the faction instead
  • Female names will no more be bestowed on male characters
  • You can no longer exploit the marriage system for income
  • You cannot use the Best Friends reputation for free money
  • Fixed the infinite money through rounding exploit
  • You can no longer buy certain territories and immediately sell them back for more
  • You can no longer continually divorce new spouses and use them to initiate new marriages and generate infinite characters
  • Fixed an exploit allowing more than three generals in multiplayer ranked battles
