Total War Wiki

The Wako Pirates are a maritime faction in Total War: Shogun 2.

General Information[]

Wako Pirates spawn in fleets off the coast of the player's faction. Only two ships are available to the Wako without modding: Wako Medium Bunes, a weaker version of Medium Bune, and Wako Trade Ships, which are functionally identical to trade ships. Their fleet sizes usually vary from 3-5 ships, though multiple Wako fleets can eventually merge to pose a larger threat.

Despite being a primarily naval-battle oriented faction, game files indicate that the Wako field a couple land units unique to their faction, including Katana Wako and Bow Wako. As the Wako cannot capture regions, it never fields these units without modding.

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The Wako Pirates' base

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The European pirates' base or the Nanban pirates' base and the Wako pirates'


  • The Wako Pirates are based on the Wokou pirates who raided the coastlines of China, Japan and Korea.
  • Like the European Traders faction, the Wako Pirates faction is physically stored out of bounds to the top-left corner of the map in a rudimentary representation of the topographical area of Joseon-era Korea. They use the "Wako Base" city as the faction capital.
Total War: Shogun 2 Factions
Sengoku Major Factions Chosokabe ClanDate ClanHojo ClanHattori ClanIkko IkkiMori ClanOda ClanOtomo ClanShimazu ClanTakeda ClanTokugawa ClanUesugi Clan
Sengoku Minor Factions Amako ClanAnegakoji ClanAsai ClanAshikaga ClanAshina ClanBessho ClanEuropean TradersHatakeyama ClanHatano ClanHonma ClanImagawa ClanIto ClanJinbo ClanKikkawa ClanKiso ClanKitabatake ClanKono ClanMatsuda ClanMiyoshi ClanMogami ClanMurakami ClanOgigayatsu ClanOuchi ClanSagara ClanSaito ClanSakai ClanSatake ClanSatomi ClanShoni ClanSogo ClanTakaoka ClanTsutsui ClanUrakami ClanWako PiratesYamana ClanYamanouchi Clan
Unimplemented Factions Asano ClanHosokawa ClanIshida ClanKobayakawa ClanKuroda ClanToyotomi ClanUkita ClanUtsunomiya Clan