Total War Wiki

Wedge Formation is a technology in Empire: Total War and Napoleon: Total War, and a cavalry formation in Total War: Shogun 2.

Empire: Total War[]


A cavalry formation used to break through an enemy line by shock and impact.

There are many conflicting schools of thought with regard to the proper use of cavalry, not least the matter of how to attack the enemy. There are those officers who hold that fire is the proper weapon for a cavalry soldier: that the carbine and pistol are the correct weapons of a horseman. There are also those who maintain that the proper role of cavalry is to close with the enemy and attack them with cold steel: the sabre, sword and lance.

The wedge formation is a product of the second group of theorists. By forming units into a narrow wedge, a charge can bring the maximum weight of effort against the smallest possible section of an enemy line. In theory, the attack should be able to force its way into and then through the target, breaking it in the process and spreading chaos in the enemy ranks.

Historically, this tactic was not without its appeal to educated officers, who studied the military history of the Romans and Greeks. Alexander the Great had used such a tactic, and if it was good enough for him...

General Information[]

The Wedge Formation is an offensive upgrade for cavalry. In the wedge formation, cavalry form up into a triangular shaped formation, with the axis pointing in the direction the regiment is moving. Wedge Formations reduce the charging bonuses of cavalry, but help split up enemy troop formations, reducing morale.

Napoleon: Total War[]

Wedge Formation is available by default to all factions in Napoleon: Total War. It can be used with most cavalry units (but not mounted infantry), and functions similarly to its Empire: Total War incarnation.

Shogun 2: Total War[]

Wedge Formation is available by default to all factions in the game, and is granted to units that are commanded by generals that put skill points in the "Cavalry Commander" skill.

Empire: Total War Technology
Philosophy Abolition of SlaveryCitizenshipClassical EconomicsEmpiricismFree Trade DoctrineGovernment by ConsentJoint Stock CompaniesNational DebtPhysiocracyRights of ManSecular HumanismSeparation of PowersSocial ContractUtilitarianismWealth of Nations
Military AirgunsCadenced MarchingCanister ShotCarbinesCarcass ShotCarronadesCopper BottomsDiamond FormationEuropean DoctrineExplosive RocketsExplosive ShellsFire and AdvanceFire by RankFlintlock CannonsImproved CopperingImproved Grape ShotImproved GrenadesLight Infantry DoctrineLime Juice and SauerkrautLongitude WatchMachined RiflingMilitary SyllabusNaval Architecture AdvancesNaval Shore FacilitiesNew Model Bayonet DrillPercussion CapPercussion ShellsPlatoon FiringPlug BayonetQuicklime ShellsReformed Naval AdministrationReorganised ProcurementRifled CannonsRing BayonetScrew BreechSeasoningSextantSheet Lead CartridgesShortened CarbinesShrapnel ShotSocket BayonetSquare FormationTop GallantsWedge Formation
Industrial Advanced IrrigationBasic Steam PumpCoke Blast FurnaceCommon Land EnclosuresDivision of LabourFlying ShuttleFour-Field Crop RotationImproved Animal HusbandryMachine ToolsMass ProductionMeasuring ToolsPower LoomPuddling FurnacePunch-Card LoomSeed Planting DrillSelective BreedingSpinning JennySpinning MuleSteam EngineSteam-Pumped Land DrainageThreshing Machine
Warpath Campaign Mystic Call of the WildDreamwalkingRiding the WindsSpirit MedicineSpirit of the Forest
Warpath Campaign Military Ambush TacticsCannon CastingGun DealingImproved IronworkingIronworkingPowder MakingSharp ShootingWinter Clothes
Warpath Campaign Economy and Culture Improved FarmingImproved FishingMoney EconomyWritten LanguageHunting Techniques

Total War: Shogun 2 abilities
