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Woodcutter's Lodge is a building in a Total War Saga: Troy. This resource building can only be built in forest settlements.


As the demand for bronze weapons and armour increased in the centuries preceding the Trojan War, so did the need for fuel to support metalworking efforts. Systematic logging put tremendous pressure on the region's forests; it took more than a hundred pine trees to produce the charcoal necessary to forge a single copper ingot, leading to the deforestation of the Mycenaean mainland and the Cycladic islands. This would eventually lead to a decline in the production of bronze, laying the groundwork for the invention of steel and the advent of the Iron Age.

Woodcutter's Lodge (tier 1)[]

Built on an empty slot.

Building Construction Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r woodcutters lodge 420 wood The building itself advertises the proprietor's expertise, which seems to grow in demand by the day. +122 wood per turn
-70 to growth