Total War Wiki

Wuling Slingers is a Light Slingers unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It can only be recruited by Nanman factions who control the Tribal Fealty of King Shamoke. It is a Water unit.


Main Article: Unit Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • -100% Fire Resistance
    • Damage taken by flaming attacks is altered by this amount.
  • Loose Formation (Mobile Formation)
    • Can use if:
      • Not on a wall or barricade
      • Not engaged in melee
      • Not climbing
      • Not on Elephant
    • -100% charge resistance
      TW3K Wuling Slingers In-game



They dart in, self assured and sure-footed, pelt the enemy, and are gone. In the Five Valleys, terrain which would disrupt the march of most armies is a gentle stroll to those born and bred there. Though the range of their slings is limited, with their light armour and nimble feet the Wuling slingers can provide support from behind your front line, picking off enemies while staying safe themselves.
