Total War Wiki

Xu Shao is a Chinese name; the family name is Xu.

Xu Shao is a Strategist hero in Total War: Three Kingdoms. He starts as a member of Ze Rong in 190, but switches sides to Liu Yao in 194.

General Information[]


Main Article: Attributes (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Expertise: 44
    • -5% construction cost (administered commandery)
    • +7 melee evasion
  • Resolve: 45
    • +9% general's health
    • +1k population growth (administered commandery)
  • Cunning: 96
    • +38% ammunition (own retinue)
    • +9 military supplies (own army)
  • Instinct: 40
    • +3% melee damage
    • -1% recruitment cost (this army)
  • Authority: 36
    • +1 unit morale (own retinue)


Main Article: Background (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +5 expertise
  • +10 cunning

Values Sociability, Values Diplomacy.

Unit Statistics[]

  • Morale: 40
  • Melee Toughness: 11
  • Ranged Toughness: 13
  • Melee Power: 3

  • Hit Points: 9k
  • Melee Charge Bonus: 26
  • Melee Attack Rate: 15
  • Base Melee Damage: 332
  • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 80
  • Base Melee Evasion: 17%
  • Base Armour: 10%
  • Speed: 97


Main Article: Traits (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +6 cunning
  • -4 instinct
  • +10% chance of evading capture post-battle
  • +10% chance of avoiding ambush (own army)

Respects Caution, Wary of Zeal, Dislikes Carelessness.


  • +12 cunning
  • +15% chance of ambushing (own army)

Commends Perceptiveness, Admires Intelligence.


  • +4 expertise
  • +10% melee evasion

Commends Flexibility, Commends Physical Ability.


Main Article: Skill (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Stifling Deluge
    • +4 cunning
    • +4 instinct
    • Ability: Stifling Deluge
  • Judgement
    • +8 cunning
    • +25% ranged damage (own retinue)


Main Article: Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Stifling Deluge (Passive Debuff)
    • Can target if:
      • General
    • +5s Increased cooldown of abilities
    • Range: 50m
    • Duration: 1s
    • Cooldown: 4s


Main Article: Ancillary (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Ceremonial Sword
    • Base Melee Damage: 321
    • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 80
    • Melee Attack Rate: 30
    • +6 authority
  • Vestments of Learning
    • Base Armour: 10
    • +4 cunning
  • Black Horse
    • Speed: 97
    • Mass: 1.5k
    • +2 cunning


Main Article: Guanxi

Xu Shao has no relations with other characters.


Little is known about Xu Shao's early life, other than that he was a bright student and had a tendency to keep his nose clean. He climbed the bureaucratic ranks in Runan commandery. Xu Shao is most famously known for giving appraisals of people, reaching fame across China. However, how he managed to gain such a level of fame is glossed over in the history books. He would often insult powerful officials to their faces. Famously, Yuan Shao fled Runan under disguise as not to face Xu Shao.

Another famous although dubiously true incident revolves around a meeting between Shao and Cao Cao. He was still young at the time and stood mostly overshadowed by his father, Cao Song. He hoped that by receiving praises from Xu Shao, he could make a name for himself. However, Shao refused to talk about Cao Cao, leading to a campaign of bribery and threatening until eventually, Shao gave in, stating that "You're a treacherous villain in times of peace and a hero in times of chaos."

Xu Shao predicted the collapse of the Han Dynasty, moving with his family to the lands of Tao Qian for safety. However, he felt that the governor was two-faced and would end up betraying him. Thus, he left Qian's province behind, heading south around the same time as Ze Rong. News later reached him that Tao Qian had imprisoned all his influential guests in a last effort to maintain his power, holding them for ransom.

Shao would eventually join the court of Liu Yao. He continued to serve Yao as an advisor but ultimately fell during Sun Ce's invasion of Liu Yao's territory.
