Total War Wiki

Yizhou is a commandery in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It consists of two counties, and produces the following resource:


Yizhou is the island on the south-easternmost portion of the map, in modern-day Taiwan. It borders no counties, but is closest to Southern Jian'an on the continent.


In all start dates, Yizhou is initially abandoned.

  • Dansui
  • Chiqian


The name "Yizhou" was used to describe islands that could have possibly been either modern-day Taiwan or Okinawa. Eastern Wu led an expedition which resulted in the deaths of most of the sailors and the capture of native peoples. Other than that, Yizhou is not mentioned in Records or Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

In the modern day, Okinawa is part of Japan, and Taiwan is de facto an independent state.
