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Zhang Hong is a Chinese name; the family name is Zhang.

Zhang Hong is a unique legendary Strategist hero in Total War: Three Kingdoms. He is a candidate for the Han Empire in 182 and 190. He is a member of Wang Lang in 194 before finally joining Sun Ce in 200.

General Information[]


Main Article: Attributes (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

TW3K ICO expertise
TW3K ICO resolve
TW3K ICO cunning
TW3K ICO instinct
TW3K ICO authority
43 45 118 42 73
-5% construction cost (administered commandery)
+7 melee evasion
+9% general's health
+1k population growth (administered commandery)
+50% ammunition (own retinue)
+12 military supplies (own army)
+5% melee damage
-1% recruitment cost (this army)
+3 satisfaction (faction-wide, if leader, heir or prime minister)
+3 unit morale (own retinue)


Main Article: Background (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

Adept Diplomat

Values Kindness, Admires Refinement.


Main Article: Traits (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


Main Article: Skill (Total War: Three Kingdoms)*Composure


Main Article: Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Resistant to Fatigue
    • Takes longer to feel fatigued.
  • Two Zhangs (Passive Buff)
    • Can target if:
      • Missile attack possible
    • Enabled if:
      • Friendly units are in range with this ability
    • Can use if:
      • Friendly units are in range with this ability
    • Base Range Damage: +20%
    • Range: 5000m
    • Duration: Infinite


Main Article: Ancillary (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Ceremonial Sword
    • Base Melee Damage: 321
    • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 80
    • Melee Attack Rate: 30
    • +6 authority
  • Zhang Hong's Armour
    • Base Armour: 15
    • +18 cunning
    • +15% ranged block chance
    • +15% speed
  • Black Horse


Main Article: Guanxi


Born in 153 AD in Guangling, Zhang Hong spent most of his youth nose-deep in books. He studied in various universities across China, including the one in Luoyang, specialising in various topics from history to Confucian poetry. He became an impressive wordsmith and began an artistic career that rivalled his political one. Zhang Hong created many poems, songs, and stories and was well-regarded for his great handwriting.

Returning home from his studies, Zhang Hong was juggled around various posts given to him by the local administrator, Zhou Yu. As China devolved into chaos with Dong Zhuo's rise to power and the Han Dynasty faltering, the Sun clan – led by Sun Ce after the death of Sun Jian – called on Zhang Hong for aid. Zhang Hong had developed ties with the Sun family in the past and agreed to take care of Sun Ce's family while he joined Yuan Shu further to the north.

Ultimately, Sun Ce and his brother Sun Quan decided to set up south of the Yangtze River, with Zhang Hong accompanying Sun Quan. Quan made Zhang Hong a colonel in his military force, yet he later linked up with Sun Ce instead. Alongside his brother, Zhang Zhao, the pair formed a decently famous duo known as "The Two Zhangs" and became some of Sun Ce's foremost military advisors. Zhang Hong also became Sun Ce's go-to diplomat and sent him to the Imperial Court of the Han Dynasty multiple times. This also marks the start of an odd not-so-friendly relationship between Zhang Hong and Cao Cao. While on a diplomatic trip to the Han court, Cao Cao suddenly appointed Zhang Hong to the Imperial Secretariat.

Unable to refuse, Zhang Hong was suddenly stuck at Xuchang, Cao Cao's capital and the seat of the Han Empire. He served as an Imperial Secretary yet remained a proponent of the Sun Clan to the south, making sure to put in a good word for them whenever possible. Zhang Hong was instrumental in establishing ties between Cao Cao and Sun Quan after the death of Sun Ce in 200. However, there was a catch. Zhang Hong was sent south by Cao Cao to rejoin the court of Sun Quan as an agent of the northern Imperial government. However, once he arrived, Lady Wu, the wife of the late Sun Jian, urged Zhang Hong to instead spy on the Imperial government for the south.

Trapped between two worlds, Zhang Hong ultimately devoted himself to the south, though Sun Quan had become wary of him due to his ties with the Imperial government. To smooth things over, Zhang Hong used his literary skills to write lavish biographies for Sun Jian and Sun Ce, praising them as much as possible. While this pleased Sun Quan, Cao Cao received word and "gently" reminded Zhang Hong to get a move on, stop being buddies with Sun Quan, and do his job.

By 207, Zhang Hong was summoned to the field headquarters of Sun Quan during one of his military campaigns and given a choice. Renounce ties to the Imperial government and become Quan's Chief Clerk or leave his lands. Zhang Hong chose the former, formally severing his relations with Cao Cao. He spent the remainder of Quan's campaign as a military advisor. Five years later, in 212, Zhang Hong shot down Sun Quan's idea for another military campaign. He urged him to stabilise the territory already under his control (at the time, plagued with various rebel groups) before conquering any new ones. He also suggested moving the capital to present-day Jianye (Nanjing) to serve as a more developed and centralised position. Sun Quan agreed to move to the new capital city, yet while the administration of Wu was on their way to Jianye, Zhang Hong fell ill and died at the age of sixty.

Other Languages[]

Language Name
English Zhang Hong - Zigang
French Zhang Hong - Zigang
German Zhang Hong - Zigang
Italian Zhang Hong - Zigang
Spanish Zhang Hong - Zigang
Portuguese Zhang Hong - Zigang
Polish Zhang Hong - Zigang
Czech Čang Chung - C'-kang
Turkish Zhang Hong - Zigang
张纮 (子纲)
Zhāng Hóng (Zigāng)
張紘 (子綱)
Zhāng Hóng (Zigāng)
Korean 장굉 (자강)
Jang-goeng (Ja-gang)
Russian Чжан Хун - Цзыган
Chzhan Khun - Тszygan