Total War Wiki
TW3K Palace of Yuan

Palace of Zhong Dynasty

Zhong Administration is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms that can only be constructed by Yuan Shu. It replaces the default Administration Office. Zhong Administration is an improved version of the main branch of the default Administration Office. Notably, it removes the second and third branches of the default building.

Zhong Administration is significantly cheaper than the default building, with the final upgrade being 3000 gold cheaper than the regular one. It no longer provides Prestige associated with the default chain and puts a strain on Yuan Shu's Legitimacy, his unique faction resource. In return for this loss, the building provides an enormous buff to all sources of income that can single-handedly turn Yuan Shu's capital commandery into the richest commandery in the game. It also reduces the construction cost for economic, learning and market buildings.

Provinces with the Zhong Administration chain can be particularly lucrative targets to conquer for the enemies of Yuan Shu: since legitimacy is a mechanic unique to Yuan Shu, other factions suffer no penalty from owning Zhong administration buildings, allowing them to enjoy all of the benefits with no drawbacks.

Building Chain[]

Zhong County Office (level 1)[]

TW3K County Office

Zhong County Office

The seeds of a dynasty must be seen to perform heroic deeds. The Yuan family has a long and proud history of serving the civil bureaucracy of the Han dynasty, and this talent for administration is used to solidify the foundations of their own vie for power. A high level of ability is demanded from their administrative clerks and officials, who execute their duties – whether raising a garrison or collecting taxes – with the efficiency for which the Yuan are traditionally renowned.

  • Cost: 700
  • Upkeep: 0
  • -1 Legitimacy per turn
  • +10% income from all sources (local commandery)
  • -10% Economic buildings construction cost reduction

Zhong Magistrate (level 2)[]

TW3K Magistrate

Zhong Magistrate

Laws and taxes must be rigidly enforced to prevent chaos. A warlord who has inherited the talent and ambition of their Yuan descendants has not scaled the heights to be brought low by disorder within their own rule and is assiduous in the staff they choose to position in administrative roles. The role of a magistrate holds many responsibilities, chiefly the raising of a garrison to suppress crime and maintain law and order, and the collection of taxes from registered households. Without careful administration, the new Zhong dynasty would collapse into chaos as surely as the doomed Han.

  • Cost: 950
  • Upkeep: 10
  • -2 Legitimacy per turn
  • +20% income from all sources (local commandery)
  • -20% Economic buildings construction cost reduction

Secretariat of Zhong (level 3)[]

TW3K Secretariat of Yuan

Secretariat of Zhong

The Yuan family’s decrees are law, bound by the written word. For efficient administration, it is vital to establish clear guidelines for officials to follow. A secretariat is trained in drafting documents, translating instructions and statutes into surprisingly-clear legalese. The Yuan family come from a long tradition of civil servants who have served with distinction under the Han dynasty. With their descendant’s blood coursing through their veins, the new Zhong dynasty’s decrees lower public order but safeguard organisational rules to increase the efficiency of military logistics.

  • Cost: 1250
  • Upkeep: 10
  • -3 Legitimacy per turn
  • +30% income from all sources (local commandery)
  • -30% Economic buildings construction cost reduction

Directorate of Zhong (level 4)[]

TW3K Directorate of Yuan

Directorate of Zhong

Effective administration is achieved through a clear hierarchy and scrutiny. The Yuan family have, historically, witnessed many failures through indifference to ‘minor’ matters, and have vowed not to fall into the same trap. A directorate oversees the officials and clerks serving the administration, ensuring that guidelines are documented and adhered to without exception, increasing their efficiency in the process.

  • Cost: 1550
  • Upkeep: 20
  • -5 Legitimacy per turn
  • +40% income from all sources (local commandery)
  • -40% Economic buildings construction cost reduction
  • Requires Reform: Regular Palace Attendants

Palace of Zhong Dynasty (level 5)[]

TW3K Palace of Yuan

Palace of Zhong Dynasty

A throne from which to rule over the Zhong dynasty. A warlord who rules over a new dynasty naturally needs a palace befitting their status. Under their guidance, officials busy themselves with the running of the capital – collecting taxes and raising garrisons – each in turn being monitored by their superior, reducing the chance of abuses of power. This architectural wonder is a symbol to the people of the permanence of the Zhong dynasty, and the promise of stability from chaos calms and appeases them, ushering in a new era.

  • Cost: 2000
  • Upkeep: 30
  • -8 Legitimacy per turn
  • Upgrades garrison elite retinues to palace guards
  • +60% income from all sources (local commandery)
  • You can only construct this building once (faction-wide)
  • -50% Economic buildings construction cost reduction
  • Requires Reform: Mandate of Heaven
